Ahad, 20 Julai 2014



Anda memulakan satu perniagaan restoran berkonsepkan masakan timur.  Anda dikehendaki menyediakan satu kad menu A'la Carte berdasarkan kriteria berikut :
  • Maklumat perniagaan
    • Nama perniagaan
    • Alamat
    • Nombor telefon
  • Senarai makanan
    • Appetizer
    • Poultry
    • Seafoods
    • Noodles
    • Rices
    • Vegetables
    • Dessert
    • Drinks
  • Kertas 
    • Saiz minimum A4
    • Keras
  • Bercetak
    • Menggunakan komputer
  • Mempunyai grafik dan warna yang menarik


Anda bertugas sebagai Executive Chef di sebuah hotel terkemuka.  Anda dikehendaki untuk merancang menu dan menyediakan satu kad menu Table d'hote berdasarkan kriteria berikut :
  • Maklumat perniagaan
  • Senarai hidangan
    • Appetizer
    • Main course
    • Dessert
  • Kertas 
    • Saiz minimum A4
    • Keras
  • Bercetak
    • Menggunakan komputer
  • Mempunyai grafik dan warna yang menarik
  • Tiga menu mengikut kumpulan :
    • Kumpulan 1 (Wedding)
    • Kumpulan 2 (Ethnic)
    • Kumpulan 3 (Lunch)
    • Kumpulan 4 (Dinner)
    • Kumpulan 5 (Festival)
Hantar sebelum atau pada : 11.30 pagi, 15 Ogos 2014

Selasa, 1 Julai 2014

Senarai pensyarah yang akan mengajar untuk semester 2 dan 4, 2014:

Semester 2:
HSK 201 Kitchen Operation I ( Mr. Saumon)
HSK 202 Basic Eastern Cookery ( Mr. Rosazizul)
HSK 203 Food Service Operation II ( Mdm Safriza)

Semester 4:
HSK 401 Western Cookery (Mdm Syahzarina)
HSK 402 Kitchen Operation II (Mr. Saumon)
HSK 403 Desert II (Mr. Albert)
HSK 404 Local Kuih (Mdm Mathilda)

Rabu, 26 Mac 2014

Tugasan Pelajar Semester 1

Modul : HSK102 Basic Western Cookery

Salad merupakan salah satu hidangan pembuka selera yang paling berwarna-warni, menarik dan menyihatkan. Terangkan maklumat penting tentang salad seperti berikut:

a) Klasifikasi salad
b) Jenis-jenis salad
c) Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam persediaan salad
d) Prinsip penyediaan salad appetizer
e) Peralatan yang digunakan semasa penyediaan salad
f) Empat contoh resipi salad appetizer

Huraian anda boleh disokong dengan carta atau gambar rajah.

Panduan :
Font 12
Spacing 1.5
Times New Roman
Tarikh akhir penyerahan tugasan ialah pada 7 April 2014

Jumaat, 14 Mac 2014

Fundamental Of Culinary Arts

Salam Sejahtera kepada Pelajar Semester 1

Anda dikehendaki untuk menyiapkan:

1. Powerpoint (slide)
2. Bentang hasil tugasan yang telah disiapkan (folio)
3. Individu
4. Tarikh Perbentangan: 17 Mac 2014
5. Markah diambil kira dalam perbentangan anda.

Sekian dan Terima Kasih diatas kerjasama anda......

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Fundamental of Culinary Arts

Tugasan 1 (Folio)

Anda dikehendaki untuk membuat "folio" dan pilih mana-mana tajuk seperti di bawah:-
1. Food Sanitation & safety atau
2. Food Commodities atau
3. Nutrition

Perkara yang perlu ada dalam folio anda ialah:
a. penghargaan / pengenalan
b. table of content
c. content / isi - definisi
                        - ciri-ciri / kriteria (huraian)
                        - kebaikan & keburukan (point)
                        - kesan terhadap manusia sejagat (point)
e. rujukan
f. lampiran (sertakan gambar)

Font : new times roman
           20 (untuk tajuk utama)
           12 (huraian & sub topik)
Due date: 14 mac 2014 sebelum 1130am (jumaat)

Ahad, 16 Februari 2014

Food Service Operation II

Tugasan 2 (Semester 3)

1. Anda dikehendaki untuk melakar dan menyusun atur peranggu meja dalam bentuk "Folio" bagi:

a) Tatasajian Melayu (Tradisional & Moden)
b) Tatasajian Cina
c) Tatasajian India (Tradisional & Moden)

Tarikh Hantar: 19 Februari 2014 (Rabu)
Sebelum: 8:30 am

Kerjasama anda amatlah saya hargai.

Pentaksir: En.Albert Tajo Miva

Ahad, 9 Februari 2014



Like stocks, sauces have lost some of the importance they once had in commercial kitchens— except, of course, in the best restaurants serving what may be considered luxury cuisine. Some of this decline is due to changes in eating habits and to increased labor costs.

However, much of the change is due to misunderstanding. How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t go for all those sauces all over everything. I like good, simple food.” No doubt this person puts ketchup—a sweetened tomato sauce—on hamburgers, gravy on mashed potatoes, and tartar sauce on fried fish.

The misunderstandings arise from poorly made sauces. No one likes thick, pasty cream sauces on vegetables or oversalted but otherwise flavorless brown sauces gumming up their meat. But just because some cooks make bad sauces is no reason to reject all sauce cookery.

In fact, many chefs believe good sauces are the pinnacle of all cooking, both in the skill they require and in the interest and excitement they can give to food. Very often, the most memorable part of a really fine meal is the sauce that enhances the meat or fish.

A sauce works like a seasoning. It enhances and accents the flavor of the food; it should not dominate or hide the food.

A good cook knows that sauces are as valuable as salt and pepper. A simple grilled steak is made even better when it has an added touch, something as simple as a slice of seasoned butter melting on it or as refined as a spoonful of béarnaise sauce.

No matter where you work, sauce-making techniques are basic skills you will need in all your cooking. Croquettes, soufflĂ©s, and mousses have sauces as their base, nearly all braised foods are served with sauces made of their cooking liquids, and basic pan gravies, favorites everywhere, are made with the same techniques as the classic sauces. 

Understanding Sauces
The Functions of Sauces
A sauce may be defined as a flavorful liquid, usually thickened, used to season, flavor, and enhance other foods. A sauce adds the following qualities to foods: 

  • Moistness
  • Flavor
  • Richness
  • Appearance (color and shine) Interest and appetite appeal

The Structure of Sauces
The major sauces we consider here are made of three kinds of ingredients: 

1. A liquid, the body of the sauce
2. A thickening agent
3. Additional seasoning and flavoring ingredients

To understand sauce-making, you must first learn how to prepare these components and then how to combine them into finished sauces.

A liquid ingredient provides the body or base of most sauces. Most classic sauces are built on one of five liquids or bases. The resulting sauces are called leading sauces or mother sauces

White stock (chicken, veal, or fish)—for veloutĂ© sauces 
Brown stock—for brown sauce or espagnole (ess pahn yowl) 
Milk—for bĂ©chamel
Tomato plus stock—for tomato sauce
Clarified butter—for hollandaise

The most frequently used sauces are based on stock. The quality of these sauces depends on the stock-making skills you learned in the previous section.

A sauce must be thick enough to cling lightly to the food. Otherwise, it will just run off and lie in a puddle in the plate. This doesn’t mean it should be heavy and pasty. Chefs use the term nappĂ© (nap pay; from the French napper, meaning “to top”) to describe the texture of a sauce that has the right texture to coat foods.  Starches are still the most commonly used thickening agents, although they are used less often than in the past. We discuss starches and other thickening agents in detail below.

Although the liquid that makes up the bulk of the sauce provides the basic flavor, other ingredients are added to make variations on the basic themes and to give a finished character to the sauces.

Adding specified flavoring ingredients to basic sauces is the key to the catalog of classic sauces. Most of the hundreds of sauces listed in the standard repertoires are made by adding one or more flavoring ingredients to one of the five basic sauces or leading sauces.  As in all of cooking, sauce-making is largely a matter of learning a few building blocks and then building with them. 

Starches as Thickeners
  1. Starches are the most common and most useful thickeners for sauce-making. Flour is the principal starch used. Others available to the chef include cornstarch, arrowroot, waxy maize, instant or pregelatinized starch, bread crumbs, and other vegetable and grain products, like potato starch and rice flour. These are discussed later.

  2. Starchesthickenbygelatinization,which,asdiscussedinChapter4,istheprocessby which starch granules absorb water and swell to many times their original size.
    Another important point made in Chapter 4 is that acids inhibit gelatinization. Whenever possible, do not add acid ingredients to sauces until the starch has fully gelatinised.

  3. Starch granules must be separated before heating in liquid to avoid lumping. If gran- ules are not separated, lumping occurs because the starch on the outside of the lump quickly gelatinizes into a coating that prevents the liquid from reaching the starch inside.  Starch granules are separated in two ways:
  • Mixing the starch with fat. This is the principle of the roux, which we discuss now, and of beurre maniĂ©, which is discussed in the next section.

  • Mixing the starch with a cold liquid. This is the principle used for starches such as cornstarch. It can also be used with flour, but, as we note later, the result is an inferior sauce. A mixture of raw starch and cold liquid is called a slurry.

Roux Ingredients

Roux (roo) is a cooked mixture of equal parts by weight of fat and flour. FAT
The cooking fats employed for making roux are as follows:

Clarified butter is preferred for the finest sauces because of its flavor. The butter is clar- ified (p. 192) because the moisture content of whole butter tends to gelatinize some of the starch and makes the roux hard to work.

Margarine is widely used in place of butter because of its lower cost. However, its flavor is inferior to butter, so it does not make as fine a sauce. The quality of margarine varies from brand to brand.

Animal fats, such as chicken fat, beef drippings, and lard, are used when their flavor is appropriate to the sauce. Thus, chicken fat can be used for chicken velouté, and beef drippings can be used for beef gravy. When properly used, animal fats can enhance the flavor of a sauce.

Vegetable oil and shortening can be used for roux but, because they add no flavor, they are not preferred. Solid shortening also has the disadvantage of having a high melting point, which gives it an unpleasant fuzzy feeling in the mouth. It is best reserved for the bakeshop and the fry kettle.

Today, roux-thickened sauces are often condemned for health reasons because of the fat content of the roux. It should be remembered, however, that when a roux-bound velouté or brown sauce is properly made, most of the fat is released and skimmed off before the sauce is served.

The thickening power of flour depends, in part, on its starch content. Bread flour has less starch and more protein than cake flour. Eight parts (such as ounces or grams) of cake flour has the same thickening power as 10 parts of bread flour.

Bread flour frequently is used for general cooking purposes in commercial kitchens even though it has less thickening power than cake flour or pastry flour. Most sauce recipes in this book, as well as in other books, are based on bread flour or on all-purpose flour, which has similar thickening power. The proportions of roux to liquid must be adjusted if another flour is used.

Flour is sometimes browned dry in the oven for use in brown roux. A heavily browned flour has only one-third the thickening power of unbrowned flour.

In addition to starch, wheat flour contains proteins and other components. As a roux- thickened sauce is simmered, these components rise to the surface as scum. They then can be skimmed off. Sauces are generally simmered for a time even after the starch is completely gelatinized so these “impurities” can be cooked off. This improves the texture, gloss, and clarity of a sauce. When a high-protein flour such as bread flour is used in a roux, the sauce must be cooked longer and skimmed more often to achieve good clarity.

Sauces made with wheat flour do not freeze well because some of the starch breaks down when frozen, reducing its thickening power.


Correct amounts of fat and flour—equal parts by weight—are important to a good roux. There must be enough fat to coat all the starch granules, but not too much. In fact, Escoffier called for even less fat than our standard proportions (8 parts fat to 9 parts flour).

A good roux is stiff, not runny or pourable. A roux with too much fat is called a slack roux. Excess fat increases the cost of the roux unnecessarily; the excess fat rises to the top of the sauce, where it either is skimmed off or makes the sauce look greasy. 

Preparing Roux

A roux must be cooked so the finished sauce does not have the raw, starchy taste of flour. The three kinds of roux differ in how much they are cooked.

White roux is cooked for just a few minutes, just enough to cook out the raw taste. Cooking is stopped as soon as the roux has a frothy, chalky, slightly gritty appearance, before it has begun to color. White roux is used for béchamel and other white sauces based on milk. In spite of its name, white roux is actually a pale yellow because it is made from butter and (usually) unbleached flour.

Blond roux, or pale roux, is cooked a little longer, just until the roux begins to change to a slightly darker color. Cooking must then be stopped. Blond roux is used for veloutĂ©s, or sauces based on white stocks. The sauces have a pale ivory colour.

Brown roux is cooked until it takes on a light brown color and a nutty aroma. Cooking must take place over low heat so the roux browns evenly without scorching. For a deeper brown roux, the flour may be browned in an oven before adding it to the fat. A heavily browned roux has only about one-third the thickening power of white roux, but it contributes flavor and color to brown sauces.
Operations that depend on roux-based sauces and soups generally make quantities of roux in bulk and keep it available throughout the production period for thickening sauces. If you don’t make batches of roux as part of the mise en place, you can also make it as part of the production process for an individual sauce. In the recipes in this section, making the roux is part of the recipe. However, they can easily be changed to use a prepared roux. For example, in the VeloutĂ© Sauce recipe (p. 184), omit the flour and use just enough butter to sweat the mirepoix. After adding the stock, beat in 8 oz (250 g) prepared blond roux.

Incorporating the Roux
Combining the roux and liquid to obtain a smooth, lump-free sauce is a skill that takes practice to master. It’s a good idea to practice the various techniques with water, under the guidance of your instructor, so you understand what you are doing before you start working with valuable stocks.


Liquid may be added to roux, or roux may be added to liquid.  The liquid may be hot or cooled, but not ice cold. A very cold liquid will solidify the fat in the roux.  The roux may be warm or cold, but not sizzling hot. Adding a hot liquid to a very hot roux causes spattering and, possibly, lumps.  Most chefs find they get the best results by combining a cold (or cool) liquid with a hot roux, or a hot liquid with a cold roux.

Within these general guidelines, there is room for a number of variations. Two of them are described here. Because successful use of roux is largely a matter of experience, you are advised to profit from your instructors’ experience when they demonstrate these techniques or whichever methods they prefer.

Equipment note: Stainless-steel pans are best for white sauces. Whipping in an aluminum pan makes the sauce gray. 

Other Thickening Agents
  1. Beurre manié (burr mahnyay) is a mixture of equal parts soft, raw butter and flour worked together to form a smooth paste. It is used for quick thickening at the end of cooking to finish a sauce. The raw butter adds flavor and gives a sheen to the sauce when it melts.
    To use, drop very small pieces into a simmering sauce and stir with a whip until smooth. Repeat until desired consistency is reached. Simmer just a few minutes more to cook the flour, and then remove from the fire.
  2. Whitewashisathinmixtureofflourandcoldwater.Saucesmadewithwhitewashhave neither as good a flavor nor as fine a texture as those made with roux. Whitewash is not recommended for use.
  3. Cornstarch produces a sauce that is almost clear, with a glossy texture.
    To use, mix with cold water or other cold liquid until smooth. Stir into the hot liq- uid. Bring to a boil and simmer until the liquid turns clear and there is no starchy taste. Do not boil for a long period or the starch may break down and the liquid become thin. Sauces thickened with cornstarch may thin out if held on the steam table for long peri- ods. Cornstarch is used extensively in sweet sauces to accompany certain meats as well

    as in desserts and dessert sauces. It has roughly twice the thickening power of flour.
  4. Arrowroot is used like cornstarch, but it gives an even clearer sauce. Its use is limited by its high cost. Nevertheless, because of its quality, it is the preferred starch for thick- ening jus lié. It is less likely than cornstarch to break down when heated for a long time.
  5. Waxy maize is used for sauces that are to be frozen. Flour and other starches break down and lose their thickening power when frozen. Waxy maize does not. It is handled like cornstarch.
  6. Pregelatinizedorinstantstarcheshavebeencooked,orgelatinized,andthenredried. Thus, they can thicken a cold liquid without heating. These starches are rarely used in sauce-making but are frequently used in the bakeshop.
  7. Breadcrumbsandothercrumbswillthickenaliquidquicklybecausetheyhavealready been cooked, like instant starches. Bread crumbs may be used when smoothness of texture is not desired. A common example is the use of gingersnap crumbs to thicken sauerbraten gravy.
  8. Vegetable purées, ground nuts, and other solids can also be used. A simple tomato sauce is basically a seasoned vegetable purée. The sauce gets its texture from the thickness of the main ingredient. No additional thickener is needed.
    Using this same principle, we can add body or texture to sauces by adding a smooth vegetable purée, or by puréeing mirepoix or other vegetables with the sauce. Other puréed or finely ground ingredients, such as ground nuts, add texture as well as flavor to a sauce.

Egg Yolk and Cream Liaison

In classical cooking, a liaison is a mixture of egg yolks and cream, used to enrich and lightly thicken a sauce or other liquid. Egg yolks have the power to thicken a sauce slightly due to the coagulation of egg proteins when heated.  Caution must be used when thickening with egg yolks because of the danger of curdling. This happens when the proteins coagulate too much and separate from the liquid.
Pure egg yolks coagulate at 140° to 158°F (60° to 70°C). For this reason, they are beaten with heavy cream before use. This raises their curdling temperature to 180°–185°F (82°–85°C). (Note this is still well below the boiling point.) The heavy cream also adds thickness and flavor to the sauce. Egg yolks have only slight thickening power. The liaison is used primarily to give richness of flavor and smoothness of texture to a sauce and only secondarily to give a slight thickening. Also, because of the instability of the egg yolks, it is used only as a finishing technique.

Simmering a sauce to evaporate some of the water thickens the sauce because only the water evaporates, not the solids. As the solids become more concentrated, the sauce becomes thicker. This technique has always been important for finishing sauces (see the next section). It has become more important as a basic thickening technique as modern chefs use less starch for thickening.
Use caution when reducing stock-based sauces. If such a sauce is reduced too much, the concentration of gelatin may give it a gluey or sticky texture, and it will congeal quickly on plates. Also, the sauce may have a heavily cooked taste that is not as appealing as the fresher, livelier taste of a stock that has not been cooked as much. 

Finishing Techniques
Remember that the three basic elements of a finished sauce are a liquid, a thickening agent, and additional seasoning and flavoring ingredients. We have discussed in detail how liquids are combined with thickening agents to make the basic sauces. In the next section, we look at the way families of sauces are built on these bases by the addition of flavoring ingredients.
Sauces may be modified or added to in a great many ways. Among these methods are a number of basic techniques used over and over again for making sauces. Before we study the structure of the sauce families, it will be helpful to look at these basic finishing techniques.

1. Using reduction to concentrate basic flavors.
If we simmer a sauce for a long time, some of the water evaporates. The sauce becomes more concentrated, and the resulting product is more flavorful. This is the same tech- nique used when making glazes from stocks. Some reduction takes place in nearly all sauces, depending on how long they are simmered.

2. Using reduction to adjust textures.
Concentrating a sauce by reduction also thickens it because only the water evaporates, not the roux or other solids. A skilled sauce chef uses both reduction and dilution to give a sauce the precise texture sought. If a sauce is too thin, it may be simmered until it reaches desired thickness. Or the chef may add a large quantity of stock or other liquid to a thickened sauce to thin it out greatly, then simmer it again until it is reduced to just the right consistency. By doing this, the chef also gives more flavor to the sauce.

3.  Using reduction to add new flavours.
If we can add a liquid to a sauce, then reduce it to concentrate it, why can’t we reduce a liquid first and then add it to a sauce? In fact, this is one of the most important techniques in sauce-making. We have already mentioned that glazes—reduced stocks—are used to flavor sauces. Reductions of other liquids, especially red and white wines, are used a great deal in this way. Note how the red wine is cooked down with shallots, pepper, and herbs to one-fourth its original volume. Not only is the flavor of the wine concentrated but also the flavor from the other spices is extracted. This reduction is a powerful flavoring agent that gives bordelaise sauce its distinctive taste. Reduction allows you to add a great deal of flavor to a sauce without adding much liquid.

To reduce by one-half means to cook away one-half of the volume so that half is left. To reduce by three-fourths means to cook away three-fourths of the volume so that only
one-fourth is left.
To reduce au sec (oh seck) means to reduce until dry or nearly dry.

If you have learned how to use a roux properly, you should be able to make a smooth, lump- free sauce. However, to bring a sauce’s texture to perfection, to create the velvety smoothness that is important to a good sauce, straining is necessary. Even a slight graininess that you can’t see can still be felt on your tongue. Straining through a china cap lined with several layers of cheesecloth is effective. Very fine sieves are also available for straining sauces. Straining is usually done before final seasoning.

To deglaze means to swirl a liquid in a sautĂ© pan or other pan to dissolve cooked particles of food remaining on the bottom. This term was discussed in relation to the basic technique of sautĂ©ing in Chapter 4 and again in connection with the production of brown stock. It is also an important technique for finishing sauces that accompany sautĂ©ed items. A liquid, such as wine or stock, is used to deglaze a sautĂ© pan and then is reduced by one-half or three-fourths. This reduction, with the added flavor of the pan drippings, is then added to the sauce served with the item.

Enriching with Butter and Cream

1.  Liaison.
In addition to being a thickening agent, a liaison of egg yolks and cream is used to finish a sauce by giving it extra richness and smoothness.

2.  Heavy cream.
Heavy cream has long been used to give flavor and richness to sauces. The most obvi- ous example is adding cream to basic béchamel sauce to make cream sauce.

3. Butter.
A useful enriching technique, both in classical and in modern cooking, is called finishing with butter, or monter au beurre (mohn tay oh burr).To finish a sauce with butter, simply add a few pieces of softened butter to the hot sauce and swirl them in until melted. The sauce should then be served immediately; if it is allowed to stand, the butter may separate.
Finishing a sauce with butter gives it a little extra shine and smoothness as well as adding to it the rich, fresh taste of raw butter.

Whether or not a sauce is to be given a final enrichment of liaison, cream, or butter, it must be checked carefully for seasonings before serving. Remember that the last step in any recipe, whether written or not, is “adjust the seasonings.”

1. Salt is the most important seasoning for sauces. Lemon juice is also important. These two seasonings emphasize the flavors already present by stimulating the taste buds. Cayenne and white pepper are perhaps third and fourth in importance.

2. Sherry and Madeira are frequently used as final flavorings. These wines are added at the end of cooking (unlike red and white table wines, which must be cooked in a sauce) because their flavors are easily evaporated by heat. 

Tugasan Semseter 1

HSK 102 Asas Masakan Barat / Basic Western Cookery
Kompetensi : 1. Prepare International Hot Sauces
                      2. Prepare International Hot Soups

1.  Senaraikan contoh-contoh masakan sos panas antarabangsa.
2.  Senaraikan bahan-bahan dan langkah penyediaan untuk empat jenis sos panas antarabangsa.
3.  Senaraikan contoh-contoh masakan sup panas antarabangsa.
4.  Senaraikan bahan-bahan dan langkah penyediaan untuk empat jenis sup panas antarabangsa.

Sumber boleh diperolehi daripada buku rujukan di bilik MPAV atau menggunakan carian google atau yahoo dalam internet.

Tarikh tutup penghantaran tugasan : 14 Februari 2014 

Sabtu, 8 Februari 2014

Tugasan Pelajar Semester 3

Food Service Operation II:

Anda dikehendaki untuk membuat Folio bagi "Perform Set up Meal"

Soalan Tugasan:

1. Nyatakan dua hidangan pembuka selera bagi Tatasajian Melayu, Cina dan India

2. Lakarkan "Table Setting" bagi Tatasajian America. Dan sertakan menu jenis Table d'hote  bagi menyokong lakaran anda.

spefikasi tugasan:
1. Asli - boleh rujuk laman web sebagai panduan
2. Times New Roman
3. 12 font
4. SILA HANTAR PADA: 15 februari 2014 (sabtu)

Khamis, 30 Januari 2014

Tugasan Pelajar Semester 1

Modul : HSK 102 Asas Masakan Barat
Kompetensi : 1. Mise En Place
                      2. Stok putih
                      3. Stok perang

Soalan 1:  Senaraikan kod warna (UK) landas cincang mengikut kegunaan.
  • Hijau
  • Kuning
  • Merah
  • Putih
  • Biru
  • Coklat
Soalan 2 :  Terangkan kepentingan mise en place dalam penyediaan makanan.

Soalan 3 :  Namakan dan terangkan pakaian seragam chef. 

Soalan 4 :  Senaraikan bahan dan langkah penyediaan stok putih dan stok perang.

Sertakan gambar atau lakaran untuk menyokong jawapan anda.
Jenis Font : Times new roman 
Size : 12 
Spacing : 1.5
Tarikh akhir penyerahan tugasan : 3 Februari 2013 / Sebelum jam 4.30 pm.

Ahad, 26 Januari 2014

Mise En Place

Mise en Place
To be successful in the food-service industry, cooks need more than the ability to prepare delicious, attractive, and nutritious foods. They also must have a talent for organization and efficiency. In every kitchen, a great many tasks must be completed over a given time and by a limited number of workers. No matter when these tasks are done, they all must come together at one crucial point: service time. Only if advance preparation is done thoroughly and systematically can service go smoothly.

Good chefs take pride in the thoroughness and quality of their advance preparation, or mise en place (meez-on-plahss). This French term, meaning “everything put in place,” has become almost a professional password in North American kitchens because food-service professionals understand its importance to the success of the establishment.

This chapter deals with the basic concepts of mise en place as well as specific operations that are normally part of the mise en place. 

Planning and Organizing Production
Even on the simplest level, pre-preparation is necessary. If you prepare only one short recipe, you must first:
a. Assemble your tools.
b. Assemble your ingredients.
c. Wash, trim, cut, prepare, and measure your raw materials. Prepare your equipment (preheat oven, line baking sheets, etc.).

Only then can you begin the actual preparation.  When many items are to be prepared in a commercial kitchen, the situation is much more complex. Dealing with this complexity is the basis of kitchen organization.

The Problem
Every food-service operation faces a basic conflict between two unavoidable facts:
  1. There is far too much work to do in a kitchen to leave until the last minute, so some work must be done ahead.
  2. Mostfoodsareattheirbestqualityimmediatelyafterpreparation,andtheydeteriorate as they are held.
The Solution
To address this conflict, the chef must plan pre-preparation carefully. Planning generally follows these steps:
  1. Break down each menu item into its stages of production.
    Turn to any recipe in this book. Note the procedures are divided into a sequence of steps that must be done in a certain order to make a finished product.

  2. Determine which stages may be done in advance.
    • The first step of every recipe, written or not, is always part of advance preparation: assembling and preparing the ingredients. This includes cleaning and cutting pro- duce, cutting and trimming meats, and preparing breadings and batters for frying.
    • Succeeding steps of a recipe may be done in advance if the foods can then be held without loss of quality.
    • Final cooking should be done as close as possible to service for maximum freshness.
      Frequently, separate parts of a recipe, such as a sauce or a stuffing, are prepared in advance, and the dish is assembled at the last minute.
      In general, items cooked by dry-heat methods, such as broiled steaks, sautéed fish, and French-fried potatoes, do not hold well. Large roasts are an important excep- tion to this rule. Items cooked by moist heat, such as braised beef, soups, and stews, are usually better suited to reheating or holding in a steam table. Delicate items should always be freshly cooked.

  3. Determine the best way to hold each item at its final stage of pre-preparation. Holding temperature is the temperature at which a product is kept for service or for storage. Holding temperatures for all potentially hazardous foods must be outside the Food Danger Zone.
  •  Sauces and soups are frequently kept hot, above 135°F (57°C), for service in steam tables or   other holding equipment. Foods such as vegetables, however, should be kept hot for short periods only because they quickly become overcooked. 
  • Refrigerator temperatures, below 41°F (5°C), are best for preserving the quality of most foods, especially perishable meats, fish, and vegetables, before final cooking or reheating.
  1. Determine how long it takes to prepare each stage of each recipe. Plan a production schedule beginning with the preparations that take the longest.  Many operations can be carried on at once because they don’t all require your complete attention the full time. It may take 6 to 8 hours to make a stock, but you don’t have to stand and watch it all that time.

  2. Examine recipes to see if they might be revised for better efficiency and quality as served.
    For example:
    • Instead of preparing a full batch of green peas and holding them for service in the steam table, you might blanch and chill them, then heat portions to order in a sautĂ© pan, steamer, or microwave oven.

    • Instead of holding a large batch of veal scaloppine in mushroom sauce in the steam table, you might prepare and hold the sauce, sautĂ© the veal to order, combine the meat with a portion of the sauce, and serve fresh from the pan.

      Caution: Unless you are in charge of the kitchen, do not change a recipe without authorization from your supervisor.

      1. The Goal
        The goal of pre-preparation is to do as much work in advance as possible without loss of quality. Then, at service time, all energy can be used for finishing each item immediately before serving, with the utmost attention to quality and freshness. Many preparation techniques in common use are designed for the convenience of the cooks at the expense of quality. Remember, quality should always take highest priority. 

        Source : Professional Cooking 7th Edition by Wiley (Chapter 7)

Basic Western Cookery

Course Name  :  Western Basic Cookery
Code Name   :  HSK 102
Credit Hour : 7 hours / week

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:-

1.     Carry out mise en place for western cookery
2.     Identify types of stocks, sauces , dressings and soups.
3.     Obtain and apply recipe for stocks, sauces , dressings and soups.
4.     Select and prepare ingredients, cooking utensils and equipment to prepare western cookery
5.     Practice sanitation, safety precautions and ethical principles in the workplace.

Course Description 

This course provides western basic cookery to develop students knowledge and skill in carry out mise en place for western cookery, prepare stocks, appetizer, sauces and dressings, international hot sauces, international soups and breakfast to the industry needs.

Content Standard
1.  Carry out miss en place.
2.  Prepare white stocks.
3.  Prepare brown stocks.
4.  Prepare salad appetizers.
5.  Prepare cold sauces and dressing.
6.  Prepare international hot sauces.
7.  Prepare international soups.
8.  Prepare breakfast.

Jumaat, 24 Januari 2014

Dapur Seni Kulinari Akan Mula "BERASAP" Minggu Depan

Kuliah semester 1 dan 3 akan bermula pada pada 27 Januari 2014.  Nampaknya para pelajar tidak sabar untuk masuk ke bengkel dan belajar memasak selepas menyelesaikan semester pendek pada minggu lalu.  Apatah lagi pelajar semester 1 yang baru mendaftar minggu lalu.  Apapun, bagi pihak Unit Seni Kulinari, kami mengucapkan selamat datang kepada semua pelajar semester 1. Tahniah dan selamat berjaya.